MGG EP# 19 – LinkedIn SSI & freelancers

In this episode I talk about how I’m engaging more on my LinkedIn page and my LinkedIn Social Selling Index currently being at a 39 out of 100. We will check in four – six weeks again, to see how I am improving.

I’m also talking about my experience, trying to book services with a freelance graphic designer. But due to bad communication, I decided not to buy from him. I would have liked to work with this freelancer, but his lack of communication raised a red flag.

We need to remember, even as solopreneurs, side-hustlers, small business owners, I think our services still need to be on point. Do you agree?

Do you know your LinkedIn SSI score? Share with me!

Goals for the coming weeks:

  • Staying active on LinkedIn
  • Promoting my upcoming course, scheduled for March

Please rate, review, link up with me & subscribe:

YouTube: michelle_got_goals

Instagram: michelle_got_goals